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Commission Blueprint Review

Comission Blueprint is an exceptional program that deals with finding hot markets on Clickbank and then exploiting and "milking" those markets with the use of Pay Per Click marketing. I was fortunate enough to get a copy of the course from Tim Godfrey who is part owner of Commission Blueprint.

Please watch the video below to see a quick "behind the scenes" look at the members area of Commission Blueprint


Some things I love about the course are:

  • Great organization and detail

  • Step by step instruction that is fairly easy to understand

  • Real life blueprint for serious affiliate marketers

  • Overall great value for only $77

Things I didn't like about the course:

  • May be a little confusing to a brand new marketer
  • Great info...wished there were more videos!


Commission Blueprint gives you a "real" plan to become an expert at marketing Clickbank products, but this is not a "magic pill". You will have to put in a little work to make it successful for you.

So if you are willing to put in a small amount of "elbow grease" in the beginning, you will reap the rewards directly in your bank account! If you are impatient, hate math and don't have a couple hours per day to dedicate..

Then this course is probably not for you :~)

However, if you are willing to dedicate yourself to becoming successful and can follow step by step directions for a couple hours per day, you can most certainly become successful as an affiliate marketer using Commission Blueprint.

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